Monday, January 20, 2014

My Introduction


      Let me start out being as utterly honest as I can be. I don't know what the hell I'm doing or why the hell I'm doing it. I've never had a long-term blog nor have I ever put my thoughts/feelings into a blog. All I do know is that I feel I need to. So here I am starting what I hope will be a daily blog that is at least halfway entertaining. Unsurprisingly, I can't exactly say what will be the content of this blog. I plan to write about whatever I feel particularly passionate about on any given day, and, knowing myself, the topics will most likely vary greatly from day to day. My goal is to let out some pent up frustration and, let's face it, awkwardness while putting out some quality posts. And if anyone can relate to me or feel better after reading one of my posts, that's great. I'm going to be real with you always, sharing personal experiences and thoughts. So please bear with me while I try and get used to writing consistently. I will probably make an unholy amount of grammar mistakes, so don't be surprised when you find them. This will be somewhat of a journey, and I can only hope at least a few of "you" will be willing to take it with me. 

Will a picture of a kangaroo influence you to stay with the blog? Worth a shot, I guess!

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